Forex Tutorial: What is Forex Trading?
What Is Forex?
The foreign exchange market is the "place" where currencies are traded. Currencies are important to most people around the world, whether they realize it or not, because currencies need to be exchanged in order to conduct foreign trade and business. If you are living in the U.S. and want to buy cheese from France, either you or the company that you buy the cheese from has to pay the French for the cheese in euros (EUR). This means that the U.S. importer would have to exchange the equivalent value of U.S. dollars (USD) into euros. The same goes for traveling. A French tourist in Egypt can't pay in euros to see the pyramids because it's not the locally accepted currency. As such, the tourist has to exchange the euros for the local currency, in this case the Egyptian pound, at the current exchange rate.
font-weight: inherit; line-height: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">The need to exchange currencies is the primary reason why the forex market is the largest, most liquid financial market in the world. It dwarfs other markets in size, even the stock market, with an average traded value of around U.S. $2,000 billion per day. (The total volume changes all the time, but as of August 2012, the Bank for International Settlements(BIS) reported that the forex market traded in excess of U.S. $4.9 trillion per day.)
Misteri kehilangan penghibur tersohor, Anita Sarawak selama hampir tiga tahun sejak 2012 akhirnya terjawab semalam apabila dia dikhabarkan berada dalam keadaan sihat dan kini menetap di Las Vegas, Amerika Syarikat.
Adik Anita yang juga pelakon, Noorkumalasari Mohamed Taib (gambar kecil), 59, mendedahkan penyanyi yang terkenal dengan lagu Seksis dan Tragedi Buah Epal itu mengambil keputusan untuk menyepi dan meninggalkan Malaysia kerana ....NEXT >>>
Anita Sarawak merupakan antara nama besar yang tidak asing lagi dalam dunia hiburan tanahair, namun cerita kehilangannya yang penuh misteri menjadi viral di media sosial.
Misteri kehilangan penghibur tersohor, Anita Sarawak selama hampir tiga tahun sejak 2012 akhirnya terjawab semalam apabila dia dikhabarkan berada dalam keadaan sihat dan kini menetap di Las Vegas, Amerika Syarikat.
Adik Anita yang juga pelakon, Noorkumalasari Mohamed Taib (gambar kecil), 59, mendedahkan penyanyi yang terkenal dengan lagu Seksis dan Tragedi Buah Epal itu mengambil keputusan untuk menyepi dan meninggalkan Malaysia kerana ....NEXT >>>
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